Why we are losing this battle?

Because so far we are losing. MGTOW is one of the (still) very rare signs of men slowly realizing where they stand. And they stand deeply, my dear gentlemen, in shit.

Women are not able to do much without the aid of men. 

They need to be developed and “cared for” in order to achieve anything. Whether it’s business, personal or spiritual (the less common).

However, they have learned to use our inner willingness to help and take care of them against us. It happened because they had the only thing we really wanted from them- their vagina.

Let’s quickly scan what happened after the war.

  • 50’s The Golden Age. After the war people mostly wanted to just relax and live a good life. Cherish their connections with other people, work, spent time with families and… breed with each other. Just to forget the horrors of the World War II. At these years, men were respected and women knew their place.
  • 60’s and 70s The Hippie Revolution. Women never wanted (or cherished) the whole idea of “free love”. Which meant “sex” for us. They cannot understand that for men, sex equals love. That is because for them the whole arrangement it is not working like that. For women, sex is only a tool. And love means commitment. Of course, the very idea of the “free love” meant polygamist sex and that wasn’t acceptable to females.
  • 70’s During early 70s after the revolution men already started to lose their power. We became more and more weak. Hippie revolution was the beginning of an end of the modern, strong male. Also, feminist movement became more pronounced. Yes, it was that long time ago. And in fact, it started even earlier. They are steadily working on it for a looong time! 
  • 80’s and 90s During the eighties and especially 90s, homosexuality was legalized and promoted in many “developed Western societies” around the world. Also, profile of the so called “macho man” was popular during that time. Actors playing tough guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris and so on were extremely famous. By then, the majority of young men were already weak and thus, they were cherishing true manhood only when watching it screen – with their “heroes” like those mentioned above. Government realizes that female voters are the most important part of the family cell that is because a woman decides about finances, spending and moves every man’s neck. Social institutions helping divorced females grow exponentially.
  • 00’s  Early 2000’s continued with even further eradication of manhood. Superhero movies slowly replaced those portraying real men. That moved us more towards “boys” rather than “men”. Movies featuring “super-girls” have been more common instead.
  • 2016. We are here right now. Feminism rages. Rape Culture is here and almost everybody knows about it. Nobody even tried to convince people that it is just BS. It is real people, it’s happening. Wake as many people as you can.9835348_orig

    PS. Have you ever spotted that when they were advertising their need for equality, being able to participate in voting/elections etc. they always dressed up nicely? They were really nice and cute? Yet, when they are defending their ways right now, it’s often the fat, ugly, loud and aggressive girl who screams the most. We have been deluded, misguided and lied to. We have been manipulated. It’s time to end this madness. Yeah, I’d rather be a clown this time. Oh wait, it’s not up to her to decide who I am. She can call me names, it would not change anything. She could learn how to show some respect, first. How stupid we were to allow them all this… sigh.

19 thoughts on “Why we are losing this battle?

  1. I don’t spread hate and I don’t advocate public criticism or defaming. But this is an exception because people like you are the reason we are where we are. You disgust me. I’m sorry but you do.


    1. I do advocate public criticism when it is warranted. There is no hate or defamation in this article, only things you do not agree with. It is FACTUAL and CORRECT. Feminism has brought nothing but disaster to this world.

      Own your shit, ladies. You won. You’ve turned rape into a first-world JOKE while real rapists in third-world countries are TAKING OVER. You made your bed, now lie in it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I really don’t know what your definition of “factual” and “correct” is. All I can say is, if you were a girl and had to go through every little thing, you would know. It’s easy to criticize and point fingers. It’s harder to live reality.


      2. As usual, you just ride on the emotional side and don’t make any actual sense. It is really hard to figure out what you exactly meant by “every little thing” and “live reality”.


      3. To explain each and every “little thing”, I would have to write a whole blog post. And I will. Just to explain to you, I will. And I’ll tag you in it. If you require every point thrown on your face, fine by me.


      4. That’s fabulous. I’m looking forward to it, albeit you’re just a teenage girl. You aren’t able to fully understand topics that are being covered in here.


      5. Age doesn’t bring wisdom. Experience does. You’d be surprised at what I can understand.


      6. Even if an average 30 year old person would spend 13 years sitting in the cave, he’d still possess more of it than a 17yo. You will understand this when you’ll grow older.


      7. And yet it’s a surprise that you, being an “adult”, don’t know the definition of facts. Anyway. I’m done with you. Adios, hummingbird. May you live a long life.


      8. I really don’t know what your definition of “factual” and “correct” is. All I can say is, if you were a girl and had to go through every little thing, you would know. It’s easy to criticize and point fingers. It’s harder to live reality.

        I use the dictionary to find out the definition of words. You should use one they really help. The only word they fucked up defining is feminism. What is “every little thing”? Let’s see what men have to put up with: signing up for selective service. Getting more prison time than women for the same crime,even if she is the mastermind. Men are the only ones who receive the death penalty and men are the only ones who have to serve in a combat role in the military. That is reality.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. You and your fellow sisters are why we are in the situation we are in. We didn’t start this. We don’t mutilate women the way women mutilate men aka the Bobbitt case. That case made me so mad it was there that I officially became an MRA. If women want a war we’ll give them a war they’ll never forget.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There are many men who mutilate women and many women who mutilate men. You can’t condemn a whole section of the population to be horrendous by actions of a few. Me and my fellow sisters, aka feminists, aren’t asking to drive you out. We’re asking for gender equality. What’s wrong with that?


      2. There are many men who mutilate women and many women who mutilate men. You can’t condemn a whole section of the population to be horrendous by actions of a few. Me and my fellow sisters, aka feminists, aren’t asking to drive you out. We’re asking for gender equality. What’s wrong with that?

        You’re too young to have been around at that time but when Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband,John Bobbitt’s penis there was a circus atmosphere across the nation making light of what happened to John Bobbitt. I have never heard of anyone celebrating sexually mutilating a woman. Yes,you and the rest of the feminazbians are the ones driving men out of college and universities due to Dear Colleague. Equality? You have superiority. You have more rights than men do.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. There is no battle. It’s over. Feminists won long ago and are doing victory laps.

    Those of us who understand this are – by and large – checking out. There’s no point in trying to fix the train wreck that has become of society anymore; It’s well beyond repair. Let it all burn.

    Liked by 1 person

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